About Course

his assignment involves creating a comprehensive 6–9-page strategic plan for a healthcare service or institution. The strategic plan should incorporate and cite relevant theories and methods from the course text and additional research. The assignment includes two main components:

  1. Strategic Plan Paper:
    • Content Requirements:
      • Directional Strategies: Outline the overall direction and long-term goals of the healthcare service.
      • Environmental Analysis:
        • External Environmental Analysis (EA)
        • Internal Environmental Analysis (EA)
        • Service Area Analysis
        • Competitor Analysis
      • Strategy Creation and Implementation:
        • Adaptive Strategies
        • Market Entry Strategies
        • Competitive Strategies
      • Recommendations and Conclusion: Provide actionable recommendations based on the analysis.
    • Formatting Requirements:
      • Reference list in APA format
      • Clarity, coherence, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and defined acronyms
      • Adherence to guidelines for written work as per the syllabus
  2. Strategic Plan Presentation:
    • Content Requirements:
      • Summarize the four main content areas from the paper
    • Presentation Requirements:
      • Create engaging and clear PowerPoint slides
      • Deliver a 15-minute oral presentation
      • Conduct a 5–10-minute Q&A session to engage the audience and respond to questions


Declaration of Use Statement:

When submitting your assignment, include a declaration of use statement to maintain transparency and academic integrity: “In this assignment, I leveraged the Assignment Amplifier to refine my draft for enhanced clarity and coherence. The feedback provided was instrumental in guiding my revisions, resulting in a more polished and academically rigorous submission.”


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What Will You Learn?

  • Develop a Strategic Plan
  • Strategic Management Theories
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Actionable Strategies
  • Communication