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This assignment challenges students to engage with AI tools in a practical HR context while also considering the broader implications of AI in human resources.

It combines hands-on experience with critical thinking, preparing students for the evolving landscape of HR technology.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Thoroughness and quality of job posting
  • Effectiveness of candidate screening process
  • Creativity and relevance of interview process design
  • Depth of ethical analysis and critical thinking
  • Overall presentation and professionals.

    Statement of AI Usage

    This assignment incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) tools to simulate modern HR practices and to encourage critical thinking about the role of AI in human resources. The following AI components are integral to the assignment:

    1. AI-Powered Job Description Generator:Students are required to use StudyAid’s AI tool to create an initial job posting. This tool utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate job descriptions based on input parameters. Students must then refine and customize this AI-generated content.
    2. Resume Screening AI: The assignment involves using StudyAid’s AI-driven resume screening tool to analyze a set of fictional resumes. This AI employs text analysis and pattern recognition to evaluate candidate qualifications and rank applicants.
    3. AI-Assisted Interview Evaluation: While not directly used in the assignment, students are asked to consider how AI could be integrated into the interview process for evaluating candidate responses and performance.
    4. Ethical Considerations of AI: A significant portion of the assignment focuses on the critical analysis of AI usage in HR processes, including potential biases, privacy concerns, and the balance between AI efficiency and human judgment.

    Students are expected to clearly indicate which parts of their submission are AI-generated and which are their own work. The goal is not just to use AI tools, but to understand their capabilities, limitations, and implications in the HR field.This integration of AI into the assignment reflects the growing importance of AI literacy in HR education and prepares students for the technological realities of modern HR practices.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Create Job Postings
  • Conduct Hiring Processes